Wednesday 29 June 2011

The Big Induction


Just home from the school induction for my youngest daughter. It was wonderful I already knew it was a good school but from the PTA doing drinks and nibbles through to the teaching staff and dinner ladies it was all perfect.

So why am I sulking?

My baby is leaving, I could have cried through the day in a life of the foundation children. What a contrasts from my feelings with my first child going to school. I was thrilled and excited for her, but now 5 years on I am devastated about loosing my baby. Maybe because it's an end of an era or is it because it felt like only yesterday my eldest started school.

I desperately want to put the brake on life I have loved my time with my girls as babies but every day it is obvious my baby is growing up and my big girl is getting bigger.

I feel the same emotions I felt leaving my eldest to go back to work. I hated that feeling so much I started my own business

I have worked so hard at my businesses to make sure I wouldn't have to go in to full time work when they both went to school. I am glad I have achieved that goal as it's important to me to be at the school for drop off and pick up and i knew full time work wouldn't allow that.

So with tears ( and that is so not me) rolling down my face I will raise a toast to the Small Furry Hotel and all those that have stayed here for being my 3rd baby that has given me the opportunity to have a flexible work life balance and keep me busy when my girls are not at home.

Picture is the week we started My little girl has gone from baby on my hip to professional bottle washer and filler

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