Thursday 17 November 2011

Why I work for myself........................

Working for myself means

Time - with my children I attend everything that I need to in the school calendar
Freedom - To ride my horse and walk my dogs when I want – me time
Satisfaction - that I do a great job that I love.

I used to work in an office, every time I went to work I felt more and more trapped in the four walls of the office with target looming over me. I believe all entrepreneurs have something that drives them and mine was freedom. I wanted to do what I wanted when I wanted and I want to feel real satisfaction for the product service I was delivering.I may not turnover millions but I have engineered a lifestyle that I adore with an income to support it.

I don’t stare and wish for a better future like I used too. I work towards everyday being great. Being an entrepreneur means to me that I don’t have to rely on others for an income( job) that maybe taken from me. My goal - when I am and old lady I can look back and think I lived life to the max.

Thinking about breaking free? go on do it you've only got one life.

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