Sunday 8 July 2012

A lovely Sunday

Well what a lovely day. No one was dropping off or picking up at the Small Furry Hotel so I had a lovely morning taking my time cleaning out and mooching round the garden enjoying being surrounded by all the lovely animals. I was constantly distracted by my Coco and DeDe ( my rabbits) who were running round the garden. It was lovely to see them interacting with all the other rabbits (who were in their own runs) and enjoying nibbling on all my plants (mint, parsley etc). My dogs on the other hand were very bothered by the rabbits being allowed free running in the garden as Coco kept harrasing my big boy Theo. Everytime Theo the Bearded Collie laid down Coco the lion head bunny kept running at him and poking him. Theo was very uncomfortable about this and retreated to the decking. I am thilled that the sick bunny Dipsey is going from strength to strength. He has even eaten his fruit stick which is quiet hard. For thoses that don't know Dipsy he is a lovely bunny that had an emergency operation two days before his owners were due to fly out on holiday. His owner were very concerned about leaving him but we assured them that this is what we do and why using a proffessional animal boarder can save you a lot of stress. Follow our stories at Today was a first..... put piggies out on wet grass. This is something I would normally never do. However today I was meet by bizare weather conditions.... it was wet but lovely and warm. So I put a carry box in each run with plenty of hay so they could go on to the wet grass but be dry in the box. By the afternoon the piggies were spralled out sunbathing like the buns. I check they all had dry bellies before they went to bed. This afternoon we went out on a lovely walk for over an hour my Beardies had a lovely time we then went and excercised and played with the horses. I am now sitting down with a glass of wine thrilled that every animal in my care has been fed, interacted with by me and others of the same species, been given fresh water and plenty of exercise. My dogs are snoring and all the furries are spread out in their spacious clean hutches with full bellies relaxing and recharging themselves for another day of their holiday. Hope you had a good day too......

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