Wednesday 22 June 2011

Brownie Camp

In less than 4 weeks my little girl will leave nursery it will be a really sad day for me and that part of our life comes to an end. My youngest being an October baby is really ready to start school and can't wait to get her uniform and be skipping up the road to school with her big sister.

Unlike her sister she will start full time straight away. This year we were given an option of when they could start full time. My eledest daughter was very upset that her group couldn't stay for lunch like the older group. So I discussed it with the girls and we have opted for full time straight away.

I found with my eldest daughter it took her a while to not come out of school exhausted. Back them we did lots of clubs, which I think looking back was too much. So this time we will hold off with clubs till the January.

My Eldest daughter who is 8 is off on her first Brownie Pack holiday later in the year. It goes wthout saying she is very excited. I really enjoyed Brownine camp as a child even if it was a little like Borstal back in the 80's. My three memories were

1. I picked up a Marmite sandwich instead of a chocolate sandwich. Another Brownie told me Marmite tasted of Ear Wax which put me off a little. I was then told I would have nothing else till I ate it.

2. We were bored one night doing arts and crafts. One Brownie stapled her finger and then several other Brownies had a go.

3. I also remember "The Jobs" I can not stand drying dishes and so I developed a phobia which I manged to sell to the other Brownies and Brown Owl which ment I got to wash the dishes - job done out to play and leave the other poor Brownie to dry endless dishes. Mind you I was taught how to wash dishes properly at the Brownies.

Funny the way the world has changed I had to sign to say I was happy for the leader to use plasters bandages etc and I had to sign to say I was happy if they cuddled my child if she needed it.

Anyway the girls will have a marvelous time with all her friends as Brownies is a Great Organisation for Girls

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