Friday 20 May 2011

Radio stations, chickens, self sufficiency

I met my gorgeous husband when he was just 23 and I was 18, I'm looking forward to being in my 80's and saying I've been with him 60 years in a squeaky old persons voice. Anyway back then he was a Radio 1 man we even went to Ibiza to see his favorite DJ. Two children later and a decade of fun we are both wided round the waste and sprouting a few grey hairs. I have come to terms with these things, however there has been another change lurking.... He keeps coming up with quotes... you don't get them on Radio 1 much. Especially ones re feeding the lawn etc!! After lots of info on self sufficiency, chickens , food prices trebling etc etc I ask. Where is this all coming from? I know it's not from the Tv 3 in a bed and hotel inspector as they haven't touched on such subjects. Then he tells me he listens to Radio 4 on the way home.... What happen to radio 2 don't you go on to that first? How did he jump to 4 so quickly?

Anyway after a cup of tea and a few biscuits ( can't deal with waist reduction and radio 4 in one day) I start to find his chat quite interesting. Two hours later we have grand plans for a veg patch and chicken coop.

Then we find ourselves in Otter nursery loading up on veg and compost. Back home and the big plant took place Runner beans, Rocket , Tomatoes and loads of Carrots. I'm hoping my carrots will go wild next to the animal runs and the residents can enjoy a cheeky nibble.

We then run out of compost, hubby informs me we have a composter. Never taken much notice. But we have and sure enough there is compost in the bottom, we feel like real gardeners now.

So the virgo in me make me read the labels ad copy exactly what they say, so if it says sow 10 inch apart I do. But No, hold on Radio 4 says you don't have too apparently you can be too fussy with these things and you should just get on with it. So we did, threw them all in pots gave them a good water and just waiting for something to eat.

The chickens will need a run built and an area made for them in the front garden I will update you on that next time. So if you use the small furry hotel we may have eggs for sale next time you come.

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