Sunday 8 May 2011

Catch up on the Week - Embarresing Mum in Business moment

Well doesn't time fly when your working and have children. I haven't blogged since the Royal wedding and that feels like ages ago. Well since then we took our car to a specialist to be serviced. Car costs in this house are never ending my husband does so many miles we seem to live at the garage!! On a good note we had the day out in Yeovil and we did a bit of shopping and had a lovely lunch in Mulberry's Restaurant Which I highly recommend especially with a little ones at lunch time. Their children's menu was really nice at good prices. My daughter had the same standard of food and presentation as us but at a reduced cost. Marc and I shared a selection of small chocolate deserts mmm.

Not much time for riding this week, but my older mare who was ill a Christmas is gaining weight and becoming very sprightly.

Yesterday our company Party Bounce was thrilled to give Netley Marsh PTA one of our larger Bouncy Castles to help raise funds for their school. Bouncy Castles are a great way to raise some funds for schools and charities and we are always happy to try and help out where we can.

You can tell a mummy runs Party Bounce as I turn up with my daughters all dressed nicely ( pre arranged clothes that have passed my checks, not Dad's) and been told to behave themselves. I'm very organised with our T&C's, insurance documents and an able man to erect castle. Daughters whipping up the crowd into a desperate to bounce frenzy as children gather to watch the castle going up. All going very smoothly until my eldest whispers "Mum she's on the castle and hasn't got any knickers on!!!!". That's right youngest bouncing her little heart of shirt flapping in the wind with no knickers!!The shock the horror how did I miss that!!!! Ahh well I bundle her in the car and pop home for knickers before the next castle goes out.

Will remember to add "check for knickers" to my list when getting my paper work together!!!

The Small Furry Hotel is quiet busy this week we have two rabbits in for bonding which appears to be going well pop over to facebook to see our videos over the next two weeks as we watch Toby a single rabbit become Hus Bun to a little girl from Waggy tails rescue

Next Saturday at K9 Tac we are doing a pulling master class for £15 (limited spaces). this is a two hour session and a must for anyone who's dog pulls. The class could save you a fortune on pulling products such as harnesses etc. Click here for details or email us via .

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