Thursday 17 November 2011

Why I work for myself........................

Working for myself means

Time - with my children I attend everything that I need to in the school calendar
Freedom - To ride my horse and walk my dogs when I want – me time
Satisfaction - that I do a great job that I love.

I used to work in an office, every time I went to work I felt more and more trapped in the four walls of the office with target looming over me. I believe all entrepreneurs have something that drives them and mine was freedom. I wanted to do what I wanted when I wanted and I want to feel real satisfaction for the product service I was delivering.I may not turnover millions but I have engineered a lifestyle that I adore with an income to support it.

I don’t stare and wish for a better future like I used too. I work towards everyday being great. Being an entrepreneur means to me that I don’t have to rely on others for an income( job) that maybe taken from me. My goal - when I am and old lady I can look back and think I lived life to the max.

Thinking about breaking free? go on do it you've only got one life.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Life with all the kids in school

Ahhh so much for my daily blog. Where does the time go? Well my little one has blended into school beautifully and is desperate to go each and every morning which I think is all credit to the school. They really do an amazing job both my girls are school mad and all the other children appear to be very keen too.

So what is it like for me having both children in school?

Well it is great after I got over my initial sulk of loosing my baby to school. I took our Indian summer by storm and I was off out riding my horse left right and centre. My house is in more order including the garage that has never been orderly, you can actually walk from front to back.

I am older and wiser second time round (second child) I have realised it's the mums who instigate who goes for tea with who at this early stage. Yes the children have preferences to some more than others but at four and five years old they are not that picky. Already having a nine year old I know they do start to make other friends as the years go by, so these inital frendships may or may not continue but I think by the end of this first year they themselves are really getting a good idea for who their close friend are.

I find there are the fresh new mums who are experiencing this for the first time and then the 2nd,3rd,4th even 5th time mums who are really old hands at this. Wow imagine having all that experience.

Anyway new friendships will form for Ellie and I as we will now be on a journey with this school year right up till they are eleven years old. Funny how school holds groups of people together for such a long time.

Last week end one of the mums and I held a joint 5th party for our daughters. We hired the village hall put up two bouncy castles ( Princess and Pirate) and help a Princess and Pirate party. I did face painting whilst the other mum sorted out the food. we made a great team, the whole school year was invited and it was a lovely opportunity for the children to have a great party and the mums to have a good chat.

I have spent the last week organising vouchers for and I think the are great practical gift ideas for people with pets take a look vouchers start from £6. We have already sold some and people have been thrilled as we have personalised them with pictures of the persons pets. So if your friend or family member has a :

Guinea Pig
African land snail
gerbils etc we will have a voucher to suit them

Hope you have a good week and I hope to be back sooner