Friday 21 January 2011

community, working, sensible idea

Well what a hectic week, our big family car is still in the garage so it has been a week of trains. It's so hard when both of us work and have no local parents to drop the kids of to when trains don't do as they should do etc. Luckly we have some great friends that have helped us in our hours of need.

When I worked full time I didn't know any of our neighbours but there is nothing like being part of a community.

I am very proud of my youngest who achieved the "Citizen of the week" award today. "Citizen of the week" was not a term I would have used for her this week but very please she is that good in nursery. My youngest missed the school intake by 6 weeks and she was so sad. We have put her in a nursery that is part of a private/independant school and she loves it. She has a little uniform and a book bag which makes her feel very grown up and special. As it is attached to a school that goes up to 16 years it is shut over the holidays. I find this great as when she was in a Nursery I has to pay for the school holiday when my older child was home. We have save £100's paying for term time only. This wouldn't have worked for my first child as I needed year round care but with one in school I hated taking her in during the holidays.

Today I had a one to one visit with a lovely couple that have just got a 8 week old puppy. They wanted to check they were doing everything right and get some hints and tips. A really sensible thing to do, a dog can be with you for up to 16 years it's worth getting things right from the start. The beautiful Bella will start puppy training in a few weeks. With owners investing (not just money but time and effort) in her she should be a great life long companion.

We have had numerous rabbits and guinea pigs in this week it seems alot of my customers are having babies and getting married this year.

Well parties and more rabbits due in this weekend. Have a good weekend

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