Thursday 13 January 2011

Wet weather and headaches

I couldn't get out of bed this morning and I woke up with a fuzzy headache, so I think I am coming down with something. Luckily lovely husband provide a cup of tea in bed and got the girls uniforms ready. I bought new tights just before the end of last term and both girls have managed to put holes in them. So I surprised myself and got the sewing box out. Get me sewing and a sewing box - that was my mumsy moment of the day. Both girls dressed, Dad takes the younger one and I am left with my eldest 7 year old. I have 3 dogs to walk 2 horses to feed and my daughter to get to school and get back for a call at 10.30 with Samantha of Social Sardine. So best way delegate and do it all in a oner. Another morning at the school dressed to impress in combat trousers, muddy boots and water proof coat. So to top off the look one must accesorise with a bag of horse feed and 3 muddy dog ( well they will be as soon as their nose is out the door). I don't really like on going wet weather. We live on a rural road that will be muddy for weeks after this rain. Muddy lanes and fields mean muddy dogs which turn into clean wet but slightly smelly dogs.

Anyway off we go me, daughter and three dogs, walking to school is a great time have a bit of one to one with my eldest and work out if if sheding some Christmas Pounds ( Popper on my trousers only poped on the way home - things are improving). We master the 3 times table and get to school on time -result.

Have a chat with a few of the mums. I've stopped wondering what all the well groomed mums think of me, my muddy boots and hairy dogs and walk up to see my horses. The dogs had a good belt round and did a good job of getting muddy. On the way home I met a friend and we discussed the dificulties of two jobs and children under school age.

I then get home clean out and feed the rabbits and sit down just in time to put a competition on small furry hotels facebook page and have my call with Samantha. amazing what you can learn in 30 mins.

Locked up the house and straight out to dog training. First week back this week and we met some lovely new dogs who were very excited about being in school and our on going dogs who were excited to be back.

Home now school run then check rabbits, feed the horse tea and collapse as I think I need to take it easy for the rest of the day !!!!

Note to self: Enjoy the last few weeks of taking my eldest to school on her own and make sure me and my youngest do some great things together before I loose her to school

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