Sunday 29 May 2011

We have Growth

Well I can't believe it!!!! My runner beans are growing. I was very shocked as I put the canes in next to them and was amazed that literally over night they grabbed hold of the canes and started wrapping themselves around them.

The lettuce, rocket and tomatoes are also doing well. Not sure about the carrots and onions as they are all underground and not allot is happening above ground.

My eldest daughter has now gone from nervous rider to bragging about the number of falls she has had and jumping bare back!! Well we all want for our children what we didn't have and I wanted a little pony in my garden from as far back as I can remember. I didn't get my first horse until I was a teenager but really missed out on those early years as both my parents were city folk. I am loving watching a bond form with the pony and my daughter, the little pony even trots down to meet her and they both scratch each other and they mutually enjoy the plaiting sessions.

It all sounds idyllic doesn't it? Well you will be surprised when I was asked the other day by a mum my thoughts about getting a pony and my answer " don't do it". My reason, me the mum wants and likes horses so when daughter is off doing other things I am left to poo pick and exercises pony. The winter was a very lonely time for me and the horses as it was mostly me doing the feeds etc.

I do it because I love the horses and the outdoor life with my dogs running round me. I tried in my early 20's to be an Urban chick in a white flat with white walls but I was bored to the point of depressed. Mind you days do pass especially in winter and I wish I had my horse money to spend on myself. But I know shopping and coffee wouldn't be enough for me, were all different and the outdoor life is for me.

So unless the parents are into riding and the daily routine of horses I feel it would be too much of a lifestyle change. My other reason is kids grow out of horses like bikes and unless you are like a lady I once knew ( she had a barn full of stables and the first one had the daughters first pony in and the ponies got gradually bigger as you went round the barn) Then you will need to sell one and buy another or get two!!!

There are lots of people out there that want children to ride their ponies which I think is a much better option as the non horsey parents can dip in and out when they want. To be fair the above applies to all pets if the parent doesn't want the pet don't get it as children rarely look after them day in day out or long term.

Well I am hoping at some point to get away in our caravan during half term as we need to get it off the drive and test bits out before we tug it 2000 miles to the south of France. I'm sure we will clear any campsite with our 5 dogs and two girls!!!

We will be selling our lovely caravan when we get home as we just don't get the opportunities to get away in it as we used to and the UK weather is pants. I want two hot holidays a year and plenty of time to relax. So we will be going back to cruising next year as the girls love it and are getting a bit older so need more entertainment on holiday which a cruise offers for all of us. Have a great half term
If it is not for you

Friday 20 May 2011

Radio stations, chickens, self sufficiency

I met my gorgeous husband when he was just 23 and I was 18, I'm looking forward to being in my 80's and saying I've been with him 60 years in a squeaky old persons voice. Anyway back then he was a Radio 1 man we even went to Ibiza to see his favorite DJ. Two children later and a decade of fun we are both wided round the waste and sprouting a few grey hairs. I have come to terms with these things, however there has been another change lurking.... He keeps coming up with quotes... you don't get them on Radio 1 much. Especially ones re feeding the lawn etc!! After lots of info on self sufficiency, chickens , food prices trebling etc etc I ask. Where is this all coming from? I know it's not from the Tv 3 in a bed and hotel inspector as they haven't touched on such subjects. Then he tells me he listens to Radio 4 on the way home.... What happen to radio 2 don't you go on to that first? How did he jump to 4 so quickly?

Anyway after a cup of tea and a few biscuits ( can't deal with waist reduction and radio 4 in one day) I start to find his chat quite interesting. Two hours later we have grand plans for a veg patch and chicken coop.

Then we find ourselves in Otter nursery loading up on veg and compost. Back home and the big plant took place Runner beans, Rocket , Tomatoes and loads of Carrots. I'm hoping my carrots will go wild next to the animal runs and the residents can enjoy a cheeky nibble.

We then run out of compost, hubby informs me we have a composter. Never taken much notice. But we have and sure enough there is compost in the bottom, we feel like real gardeners now.

So the virgo in me make me read the labels ad copy exactly what they say, so if it says sow 10 inch apart I do. But No, hold on Radio 4 says you don't have too apparently you can be too fussy with these things and you should just get on with it. So we did, threw them all in pots gave them a good water and just waiting for something to eat.

The chickens will need a run built and an area made for them in the front garden I will update you on that next time. So if you use the small furry hotel we may have eggs for sale next time you come.

Sunday 8 May 2011

Catch up on the Week - Embarresing Mum in Business moment

Well doesn't time fly when your working and have children. I haven't blogged since the Royal wedding and that feels like ages ago. Well since then we took our car to a specialist to be serviced. Car costs in this house are never ending my husband does so many miles we seem to live at the garage!! On a good note we had the day out in Yeovil and we did a bit of shopping and had a lovely lunch in Mulberry's Restaurant Which I highly recommend especially with a little ones at lunch time. Their children's menu was really nice at good prices. My daughter had the same standard of food and presentation as us but at a reduced cost. Marc and I shared a selection of small chocolate deserts mmm.

Not much time for riding this week, but my older mare who was ill a Christmas is gaining weight and becoming very sprightly.

Yesterday our company Party Bounce was thrilled to give Netley Marsh PTA one of our larger Bouncy Castles to help raise funds for their school. Bouncy Castles are a great way to raise some funds for schools and charities and we are always happy to try and help out where we can.

You can tell a mummy runs Party Bounce as I turn up with my daughters all dressed nicely ( pre arranged clothes that have passed my checks, not Dad's) and been told to behave themselves. I'm very organised with our T&C's, insurance documents and an able man to erect castle. Daughters whipping up the crowd into a desperate to bounce frenzy as children gather to watch the castle going up. All going very smoothly until my eldest whispers "Mum she's on the castle and hasn't got any knickers on!!!!". That's right youngest bouncing her little heart of shirt flapping in the wind with no knickers!!The shock the horror how did I miss that!!!! Ahh well I bundle her in the car and pop home for knickers before the next castle goes out.

Will remember to add "check for knickers" to my list when getting my paper work together!!!

The Small Furry Hotel is quiet busy this week we have two rabbits in for bonding which appears to be going well pop over to facebook to see our videos over the next two weeks as we watch Toby a single rabbit become Hus Bun to a little girl from Waggy tails rescue

Next Saturday at K9 Tac we are doing a pulling master class for £15 (limited spaces). this is a two hour session and a must for anyone who's dog pulls. The class could save you a fortune on pulling products such as harnesses etc. Click here for details or email us via .