Thursday 11 August 2011

The Big Summer Holiday

Sorry for the big delay in posting.

We have been away on our summer holiday to the South of France. It was brilliant!!! A real goood adventure traveling by ferry and car 650 miles all the way down to the coast. We had all the mod cons to make the trip run smoothly sat nav, DS, DVD player. The girls travelled really well just as they did last year, in fact I think the loved the adventure as much as we did.

The pool was great and the beaches were amazing it was great to be away from home. I love my Small Furry Hotel but it is there 7 day a week 365 days a year. To keep myself fresh I do need to actually go away as you can never have a day off and be in the house.

It was lovely to come home refreshed and re charged to take on the busy summer. Busy is an understatement we are fully booked right throught until the middle of September which is amazing, but boy am I happy I spent two weeks doing nothing before hand. I do think business owners especially ones that works from home could quiet easily miss out on well need breaks. I am so pleased I have realised the benefits and take holidays as I do think otherwise I would get stale in my approach to the business. On the ferry home my head was buzzing about the future of Small Furry Hotel and K9tac.

Mind you my day dreaming was interuped my my youngest thorwing up just as the ferry ramp was coming down. All the cleaners were coming on to the ferry and I was trying to wrestle a bucket out of some lads hand as I could see not taking the leather option on the car seats was going to become an issue. Then I had to give a French impatiant lorry drive the "mother look of Death" you know the one when a mum is looking after her baby and some one gets in their way. My husband was flapping but I was underterred I was going to take 3 minutes to settle my little girl after she had vomited up the disgusting ferry food. They were queing at passport control anyway!! Regardless of the fact my caravan was blocking 20 lorries!!!!! and the driver were getting quiet animated. I calmly steped from the can an did my best actions to explain "My baby is throwing up everywhere" "She is Crying" " We're not moving until were sorted" The ferry guy winked and said no problem I didn't wait for a reaction from the lorry drivers. Honestly people lack of paients and care for those around then grates me some times.

Well we bought the first part of my youngest school uniform today as school is approaching fast. Once the girls are back in school I do intend to make my blog more regular. well I hope you are enjoying the summer holidays. we do still have some bouncy castles free mid week if you need something to occupy the children and their friend 15 % off a hire in Aug if you mention my blog when booking

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