Thursday 25 August 2011

The Big Uniform Day

Today was the big uniform day!! First day of big school is now getting really close my older daughter is all kitted out but we are still to find shoes to fit my youngest.

This year my husband and i have decided to go the easy route and buy three times the amount of uniform we would usually buy including 15 pairs of socks each. The hope is that this will make the morning less stressful. as even though we do not have a large house my daughter still manage to loose most of their socks etc.

Our other make life easier decision is to opt for school dinners as the whole lunch box thing is a pain. As my eldest has slowly decided she doesn't like and sandwich filling what so ever. So at the end of last term i was sick of throwing away lot of good food and woring she wasn't getting a balanced diet. so school dinners should alleviate that stress from my life. I am all for making the new school term as stress free as possible so I can enjoy all the good bits.

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