Friday 16 September 2011

The big week

Well it came and passed.........

The first week of school for my baby.

It has been full of up's and down a real roller coaster of emotions for me. My baby was superb Sunday night was like Christmas eve. The uniform was laid out and re laid out several times. Then at 6.30am I hear "Mum, Mummy can I get dresses now". We managed to keep her contained until school opened. She was a bit like one of those horses at the races waiting for the gates to open. Well Big school door was opened and she was straight in no messing. I was left to get tearful in the car park, I managed to hold it together but it was more the bulging red eye thing.

Well she has flown through the week, tiredness has been a little issue. Bless her she has started full time straight away which appears to have worked well. However I did remember her sister was tired right up until half term so we haven't arranged any after school activities, which seems to have helped.

So that's it as I enter a new era of my life being a Mum to school Children and not pre schoolers or babies I will look back fondly at the wonderful times I had with my babies and look forward to the next stage of their lives.

Which has already started with Brownie camp for the eldest one tonight. I have dropped her off and left her with about 40 very excited girls. Her excitement has developed into cheekiness's at times over the week as she has developed the well I old enough to go away for the weekend and therefore I could probably leave home too as at the grand old age of 8 I know it all attitude!!!!!"

So I am going to enjoy a weekend with just me and my baby while the elder one is at large with nature. Mind you we have to pop over tomorrow with her coat!!! You know how we strive to be a good mum? Well I ironed everything today including neckachife things, wrote her a little note etc but forgot a coat!! So I approached Brown Owl like a moody teenager and said "right! I have tried to do the good Mum thing I have even ironed her knicker however I have forgot her a coat!! "Never mind" she says "you can drop one over tomorrow" Thing is I would have like to have just once got the whole thing right and been the classic organised Mum........Perhaps she doesn't exist?!!!

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