Monday 19 September 2011

The Brownie is back

Well we arrived a little early to pick daughter number 1 from Brownie camp. We speculated on the way over what reception we would get this time. As we pulled into the field we were greeted by a wave and a smile - good sign. We hung back as we were early and didn't want to provoke the same reaction as Saturday, you know the your embarrassing me look ( when do you go from being the one embarrassed to the one doing the embarrassing?). The Brownies had to get together for one last pow wow whilst we were guided to pick up their belongings.

Well all I can say is hats off to the Brownie leaders, the arts and crafts and actives they had crammed into two days was amazing. We were fully laden with "stuff" and we still needed find the bags and sleeping bags. No surprise it was all organised and waiting for us.

As the Brownies came back across the field I excitedly asked my daughter "how was it?" Reply "fine" Well they say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree and I have been repeatedly reminded by my mother that I also wasn't one for giving much away when coming home from school etc. So I can't be doing with this as I can tell she has had an amazing time. so I say " best not go again next year if it's rubbish". "Oh no " she says "it was great". That was it until we got in the car where I had her contained for 20 mins so I could question her. The result she had had a great time, meeting snakes, cockroaches ( apparently one brownie nearly stood on the boy one!!)visiting the tuck shop and having hot chocolate every night.

She did make it very clear in her own way that she had given it her all and there was nothing left of her but to have a bath and go to bed. Her sister on the other hand wanted to touch and feel everything she had - you can imagine the result.

Now having been a mother for nearly nine years and studied behaviour I anticipated a little fluctuation in mood shall we say. So I felt the best way to deal with this was to pre- arrange some mummy time out on my horse and leave the girls to Daddy;)

So all in all I would 150% recommend brownie camp. I am so pleased my little girl got to have the wonderful experience of being away with all her friends. Roll on next year.

Big day for me tomorrow I am off to the Pet Care Trust awards as I am a finalist in the boarding category of their awards. To get this far is amazing but if I win it I win be on cloud 9

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