Thursday 31 March 2011

Voting is open

How exciting the voting is open for the lantry manor Business Awards. You can vote for me here.

Or if you go into The Mcpet shop in Walkford he will give you 10% if you vote in store.

Also if you have a rabbit or Guinea Pig Ringwood Vets will give you a free health check if you vote at their surgery.

Many thanks to these local business for supporting me in the langtry manor Business Awards

Off to source a Peppa Pig like dress for mufti tomorrow. I'll have to be up early as I have a rabbit due in at 10am and a 4yr old to dress and face paint like peppa pig. will post a picture tomorrow.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Peppa Pig

We are in the planning stages of the non school uniform day at my youngests school on Friday. We have gone from cinderella to Dora the Explora and have decided on Pepper Pig. All the children are ment to come as their favorite book character!!! Well my daughter has a Pepper Pig book and i'm not wasting my energy try to persuade her to choose another more traditional character. So Peppa Pig it is I will post a pic on friday.

Friday 25 March 2011

A Great Week

Well What an exciting week we have had. Tuesday I picked up my much needed new car. Then I found out that I had made the Final 10 of the Langtry Manor Business Woman awards. I am so thrilled to be shortlisted and very much looking forward to the voting starting on April 1st. The mother with the most votes wins. I am up against some great woman/ mothers so to get this far has been a great achievement. I started some 4 years ago and have build it up from nothing. I wanted a business that I would love doing and would be able to be a mum at home too. Small Furry Hotel has aloud me to do this. I love my little business and all the opportunities it has opened up for me. Honestly if you are sitting there considering setting up a business go for it. There is so much help out there to help you succeed too.

Yeah I made it to the Top 10

Wednesday 23 March 2011

I made it to the top 10

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Spring has Sprung

Today My 4yr old & I went to the dentist. She didn't remember her last visit so was very excited about meeting the dentist. All went very well and she enjoyed the electronic chair and air blower in her mouth. But the best part was the sponge Bob sq pants sticker. This evening we had a lovely time with the horse and playing football. Life seems so much better when the temp rises and the nights draw out.

Picture: My youngest likes to wear my hat when grooming the pony!!

Sunday 20 March 2011

What a busy Week.

Well what a busy week. I have been taking bookings daily for the small furry hotel and have just about recovered from Crufts.

Wednesday I went to the Langtry Manor Hotel as I have made it to the final 20 of the woman business awards. The hotel is lovely and the lady that owns it Tara is bubbly and friendly in a genuine manor. Did any of you see her on hotel inspector, it was a brilliant episode.

I had photo's and a video taken at the hotel just in case I make the final 10. I did not fair well in the photos, I look awful in one my eyes were half closed!! The video was a lot better even though I was far more worried about that.

I will find out next week if I make the final 10, if ~I do my video will appear on the echo website and the one with the most votes will win. Very exciting and scary in equal proportions.

My older horses has been diagnosed with a heart murmur and arthritus of the hocks. The vet has given her some pain killers and she appears a lot happier.

Well I have changed the girls beds, ironed their uniforms and have bathed them and got them ready bed. I'm still feeling a little wobbly over my youngest going to school in September. It will be and end of an era. Not sure if I'm sad to leave the under 5 stage behind or looking forward to the new things you can do with older children. Who knows. Off for a bath and a glass of well deserved wine.

Picture is of me at the Langtry - I wasn't as fed up as I looked. I was actually enjoying myself just the camera caught me at the wrong time!!!

Thursday 17 March 2011

Nominee: Business Mother of the Year - Madeline Fear

Friday 11 March 2011

Shopping spree - Great husband

Exhausted..... I have shopped until I dropped at crufts. Husband has done a superb job of running the house in my absence. All children, dogs and electronic equipment are safe and well. On my last day trip out the Lap top was smashed... hence my slight worry

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Monday 7 March 2011

New Baby!!!

I have a new baby, her name is Summer and she will eventually grow up to be my new riding horse. She is a Welsh Section D. Here is a picture of her with Peanut my daughters pony who is coming on really well ( I bought her last year and I have broken her in ). My car has finally died so I am waiting for my garage to find me a new one as buying cars bores me also I know nothing about cars and generally get it wrong. Well I'm off to Crufts on Friday and Sunday with my daughter so busy week this week but will give you and update on crufts. We take both our daughter they love discover dogs and the creche facilities.

Thursday 3 March 2011

The tale of the sausage snatcher

Hubby likes to have a little moan now and again because I refuse to cook. So I was a little snappy tonight when I had cooked and he criticized the farm shop sausages.

Did he not realise the effort I went to.

1. I bought them and I am a veggie.
2. I had to fight the dog to get them back
3. I had to patch them up
4. I cooked them.

He never questioned why there was only two. Now ladies no telling.

Picture is of sausage snatcher

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Hi all. Did you survive the holiday. Mind you i think it's the first day back for me that's the worst. Well it's tuesday and we are back in a routien, well we were until the car broke down again!!!! I'm bored with it breaking down now but also can't be bothered to find another one. So I am waiting for the garge to call to tell me what it is this time.

Big decisions

We have decided to sell our beloved caravan. We are just too busy to get full use of it. I have decided it must go but I don't have the will power to clear it out and advertise it. It will be a sad day once it goes as it takes with it many happy times but for us we must move on.

Picture is the view from the car whilst taking our caravan to the south of France