Sunday 20 March 2011

What a busy Week.

Well what a busy week. I have been taking bookings daily for the small furry hotel and have just about recovered from Crufts.

Wednesday I went to the Langtry Manor Hotel as I have made it to the final 20 of the woman business awards. The hotel is lovely and the lady that owns it Tara is bubbly and friendly in a genuine manor. Did any of you see her on hotel inspector, it was a brilliant episode.

I had photo's and a video taken at the hotel just in case I make the final 10. I did not fair well in the photos, I look awful in one my eyes were half closed!! The video was a lot better even though I was far more worried about that.

I will find out next week if I make the final 10, if ~I do my video will appear on the echo website and the one with the most votes will win. Very exciting and scary in equal proportions.

My older horses has been diagnosed with a heart murmur and arthritus of the hocks. The vet has given her some pain killers and she appears a lot happier.

Well I have changed the girls beds, ironed their uniforms and have bathed them and got them ready bed. I'm still feeling a little wobbly over my youngest going to school in September. It will be and end of an era. Not sure if I'm sad to leave the under 5 stage behind or looking forward to the new things you can do with older children. Who knows. Off for a bath and a glass of well deserved wine.

Picture is of me at the Langtry - I wasn't as fed up as I looked. I was actually enjoying myself just the camera caught me at the wrong time!!!

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