Monday 7 March 2011

New Baby!!!

I have a new baby, her name is Summer and she will eventually grow up to be my new riding horse. She is a Welsh Section D. Here is a picture of her with Peanut my daughters pony who is coming on really well ( I bought her last year and I have broken her in ). My car has finally died so I am waiting for my garage to find me a new one as buying cars bores me also I know nothing about cars and generally get it wrong. Well I'm off to Crufts on Friday and Sunday with my daughter so busy week this week but will give you and update on crufts. We take both our daughter they love discover dogs and the creche facilities.


  1. Beautiful! Alice has been for a ride on our neighbours horse a few times including brushing him and cleaning his hooves - she loved it!

  2. I would keep it that way. I found as soon you buy one the interrest depreciates fast
