Thursday 24 February 2011

Mass dog walk and Yogi 3D

Well the sun finally made a half term visit, we've had a great day. We tidied up the office at as a new course starts next Monday and we took the dogs over the field. Cath & I had nine in total, I love to see a big group of dogs playing and interacting. I find it so sad when single dogs don't know how to play with other dogs.

This evening we went to see Yogi Bear 3d it was great. My youngest 4 only had one trip to the loo. A huge improvement on the 9 visits to the loo, running up and down the cinema and finally a trip to tesco mid film to buy a litre of milk and a cup!!

Monday 21 February 2011

First Day of the holiday - survived

Well as we all know it's half term this week. I have quite a few animals in the Small Furry hotel, but I don't have dog training in the holiday ( helps with the home - work - life balance).

SO up at 8am feed the horses, back home and feed the dogs and rabbits. Then breakfast for me. Then it's time for the big clean out all the furries stay in today as it is just too wet.

Once finished in the garden we pop down to Christchurch to visit the bank and have a mooch round the market. I also completed a mystery shopper assignment, can't say too much as it wouldn't be a mystery. girls bought lots of sweets and biscuits, well it is the holidays!!

We then come home and have some lunch, after two cups of tea I syke myself up enough to call the vet and pay my horses bill.

Then time to walk the dogs. Not a simple task with long haired dogs and lots of mud. So we opted for a place with lots of water. Husband left me the small car a clio so I could only squeeze 3 bearded collies and a Dalmatian in, the old dogs stayed in today. Dog and girls enjoyed the water in equal amounts.

Stoped to feed the horses on the way back, then home in time for a rabbit and guinea pig to be picked up.

3 smelly dogs in the conservatory so all bathed and then some house work done before husband home. He came home and back out to poo pick horses and give them some haylage.

Get home and feed all the gang again whilst hubby cooks dinner for us.

Once I have finish an ironing pile that resembles Mt Everest it will be a glass of wine for me time.

Hope your day went well

Sunday 20 February 2011

Famous for a day - well a bit!!!! - Self image

Well what a week. Small Furry hotel made it in the Bournemouth Echo I'm really pleased with the article and i have had some great feedback. When I first started my own business I wasn't comfortable with generating media attention, but as time goes by and I meet new people I am finding it easier. Also it wasn't that long ago that I was highly critical of photos of myself. A few things have made me change my thinking on sharing photos of myself. 1. Naturally I looked better at 19 than I do now, but at 19 I was also highly critical. So I'm not going to become better looking the older I get!!! 2. My younger sister has 1000's of photos on facebook, she will always have them to look back on. If I never have photos taken I think I will regret it in the future - what will I have to show my Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren. So I have come round to the idea of more photos being taken and not too critical of them as I am who I am after all. Some other great news this week. My eldest daughter has been short listed for the Shaun Mc Alpine award. So we are all off to crufts in March. I will be going on the Friday to see the Bearded Collies and shop. Then the whole family will go on the Sunday and our dog. Holly was short listed last year click here for her story Some people have very negative views about cruft, we see it as a international celebration of dogs. I will meet up with friends from all over the UK who share my love of the Bearded Collie. I will also meet my dogs relations as well. My dog loved crufts last year she came round all the stand and taste tested all the dog treats. Crufts isn't just about showing and breeding there is all sorts of dog activities being demonstrated. Those that love running and have a dog should look up Cani X. Those considering buying a dog should visit Discover Dogs, many people give up their time to sit on the stands and tell all the visitors about the breed they love. I loved the Komodor, wouldn't want one but great to admire.
The video is My little girl last Mothers Day, she is at the front.

Tuesday 15 February 2011

What does an active person do when they have a cold?

Simple. Steam the house!!!!

I woke up this morning and felt awful. My head was aching, I was coughing and my nose was congested.

Option one: Do rabbits and then return to bed.
Option Two: Do the rabbits then clean the house

I combined the two and steam cleaned the house. The steam made me feel so much better and the house is cleaner . RESULT

Ps. Woman in picture is not me. I looked too scary steaming to have my picture posted

Sunday 13 February 2011

The Big Birthday Party

Today we our eldest 8th birthday party - joint with her friend. We had three of our castles there in the big hall at Bransgore. The children had a great time with the castles and had a break from bouncing when Lisa of The Creation Station arrived. All the chlidren loved painting their pictures. My youngest managed to do 4 pictures with these great paint pens.

As I have said before I just don't do cooking/ food etc, so it was great when we agreed the parents of the other party girl would do the food. They did a full on Maxican buffett. Wraps, Natchos, chillie etc the children loved it.

We were so lucky so many parents helped out. We had two Dad's that were great helping with all the serving of the food. It goes without saying I am exhausted and a glass of wine in beckoning. So a short post tonight.

Friday 4 February 2011

Speed Networking.....Husbuns.... Stong minded Children & Horses

I went to my first Speed Networking event last night. Very interesting I met people from all types of business and was able to tell them about my business. Some people you just click with others not so much. Some you can get really excited by their service or product and I could see how they would complement mine.

I had an opportunity to have a chat with Joanne Dewberry who organised the event and I could totally understand how she and a friend came up with the idea for these events.

The only thing that surprised me a little was it wasn't all Mummies. Not that it was a problem but I had in my mind the sort of people that would be there and there were some of those but there were also others. But all in all well worth going and I will go to the next one.

This weekend we have our 3rd visit in a month to Serendipity Sams. My youngest has wrapped the present, which looks like it has been wrapped and unwrapped 10 times and the envelope for the card has been licked so much it now has a hole in it!! What will we look like next to the neatly wrapped brigade. But what do you do with a fiercely in dependant 4 year old who believes she was born knowing everything and life has no boundaries. I have found letting her get on with the small things and laying down the law on serious matters like running down the road works best. she was given another Tificate ( certificate)at nursey this week for being "worker of the week" so I think she thinks she is qualified to do most things!!

Today the vet gave my horse the all clear after a bout of illness, she is 18 and my husband and I got her when we got our first house together. We could have lost her and it was horrible as we have had her so long. I never forget when I found out I was pregnant and she need moving fields. My husband was is a dilemma he didn't want me leading her as she can be a bit fruity but on the other hand she was his first horse experience. He walked her 3 miles with me hanging out the window shouting things like "hold tight there is a motor bike coming". She made his life a misery dragging him through hedges, rearing up, jump, having a real carry on. I took over at the field and she looked at me as if to say " I've trained him up the hard way" and she pootled off into the new field. My husband took over a lot of her care whilst I was pregnant both times so they now have their own little bond. She has always been a character and has been a big part of our lives together so when she goes it will be a sad day and an end of an era.

Tomorrow we pick up a new rescue bunny who will hopefully be a Husbun to my rabbit who lost her mum before Christmas. Picture of the handsome chap can be found here

My eldest is then off to a Diva Disco.... Good name for a bunch of 8-10 year old girls!!!

Have a great Weekend

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Front doors, discounts and bathing furries

Morning all Wednesday already how did that happen.

Well I had a bit a a blitz here yesterday, it started with cleaning my front door and porch. I have a bit of a thing about front door areas. In the passed I have delivered some of my leaflets in the local area and wondered if people have actually taken a good look at there front door area. Broken pots, dirt, worst of all upvc doors that are meant to be white but aren't. Someone also said to me probably my mother that money can't flow into your house if the front door is a mess!!!????? Either way I am always critical of our entrance, so bucket of flash out and away I go washing down the door and porch area.

Then onto some flowers in an effort to brighten up my entrance and force Spring into my garden. I went to the local farm shop which is Fab really good quality food and reasonable prices. The lady had a tray of Primroses at £9 more that I was willing to pay. So I asked for a discount as I said they were looking a bit poor ( which they were) and she was happy to get shot of them and I felt I had a good deal. I'll go back next week for more.

I will ask for a discount in most places as in my opinion the shop keepers can say no, but it does give them the chance to sell something and get different stock in. My husband cringes when I ask for a discount - some times I am a bit cheeky but hey ho. My husband wanted a bike so in we went but the one he wanted wasn't in stock but the better one was. I explained we wanted the cheaper one but if he knocked £100 off we would take it. He said immediately yes that's fine we paid and off we went. My husband said he felt we robbed him!! My view he probably made £50 on the bike and not £150, but he turned the stock over made a profit and we will go back. My other option was to go the wimps route and not give my cash to a local trader but get on line and get the bike for the same price.

Back to my day I then bathed my guinea pigs and gave them a nice groom and blow dry, they were all frisky after that. We offer a grooming service at the Small Furry Hotel so lots of piggies and rabbits pass though for a bit of pampering.

Well off to a speed networking event this week I shall report back on how it goes.