Friday 4 February 2011

Speed Networking.....Husbuns.... Stong minded Children & Horses

I went to my first Speed Networking event last night. Very interesting I met people from all types of business and was able to tell them about my business. Some people you just click with others not so much. Some you can get really excited by their service or product and I could see how they would complement mine.

I had an opportunity to have a chat with Joanne Dewberry who organised the event and I could totally understand how she and a friend came up with the idea for these events.

The only thing that surprised me a little was it wasn't all Mummies. Not that it was a problem but I had in my mind the sort of people that would be there and there were some of those but there were also others. But all in all well worth going and I will go to the next one.

This weekend we have our 3rd visit in a month to Serendipity Sams. My youngest has wrapped the present, which looks like it has been wrapped and unwrapped 10 times and the envelope for the card has been licked so much it now has a hole in it!! What will we look like next to the neatly wrapped brigade. But what do you do with a fiercely in dependant 4 year old who believes she was born knowing everything and life has no boundaries. I have found letting her get on with the small things and laying down the law on serious matters like running down the road works best. she was given another Tificate ( certificate)at nursey this week for being "worker of the week" so I think she thinks she is qualified to do most things!!

Today the vet gave my horse the all clear after a bout of illness, she is 18 and my husband and I got her when we got our first house together. We could have lost her and it was horrible as we have had her so long. I never forget when I found out I was pregnant and she need moving fields. My husband was is a dilemma he didn't want me leading her as she can be a bit fruity but on the other hand she was his first horse experience. He walked her 3 miles with me hanging out the window shouting things like "hold tight there is a motor bike coming". She made his life a misery dragging him through hedges, rearing up, jump, having a real carry on. I took over at the field and she looked at me as if to say " I've trained him up the hard way" and she pootled off into the new field. My husband took over a lot of her care whilst I was pregnant both times so they now have their own little bond. She has always been a character and has been a big part of our lives together so when she goes it will be a sad day and an end of an era.

Tomorrow we pick up a new rescue bunny who will hopefully be a Husbun to my rabbit who lost her mum before Christmas. Picture of the handsome chap can be found here

My eldest is then off to a Diva Disco.... Good name for a bunch of 8-10 year old girls!!!

Have a great Weekend

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