Thursday 7 April 2011


Well what a day! Eight rabbits in today it was binky heaven, for those not up on bunny terms a binky is what a rabbit does when they are happy. It's a run , a leap and a twist great fun to watch and I'm sure great fun for the buns. Have a look at the video on

Well all my customers have gone off to lovely destinations which got me thinking of my holiday in a few months. The thought of my holiday reminded me of last years holiday which I thought I would share with you.

We shall start in Cornwall 2009. We had a horrendous holiday in our caravan in probably the wettest part of Cornwall. We needed flip flop to get out of the caravan as the awning was flooded as was the rest of the campsite. We returned Lille white and soggy and sore teeth from the false grinning we had done for a week.

We got home and both finally admitted it was a nightmare holiday from hell. We needed sun and lots of it. Not to take any chances we got the map out and picked the furthest southern point we could tug our caravan to. That place was the very south of France. I booked the ferry and a campsite with 100 ft pitches and your own bathroom on each pitch. We were all very excited. Car and caravan serviced, caravan and car stuff to the rafters with every eventuality. Off we went Ferry. No Problem off Ferry drive half of France in one day!!! Tiredness resulted in touchiness which in turn resulted in a moan to far from me re. him picking the wrong lane at a toll booth. He stopped the car ( car and caravan as long as an artic) and told me to drive. I was not a happy bunny. Now I do tow but generally I just do the parking as he can't do the going back bit. So we get to the camp site tired and hungry. There are loads of professional Caravaners from the Netherlands and Germany and they all come out to watch the woman park and protect the corners of their vans. This upset me further, so imagine hubby waving arms around assessing the pitch. well I had had enough I flung the car in reverse and I can only decribes it as I threw the caravan into the pitch I surprised myself with the accuracy of my reverse parking. All that tractor and trailer experience in college helped. I then got out and smiled at my gob smacked European all man touring audience!!

I woke up the next morning full of the joys and off we went to the South of France. Now I had done my research, I had been on the caravan forums and I had my route planned to the minute by seasoned caravaners off the caravan form.

However not one of them told me the French build motorways over mountains the size of mount snowden!!! So off we go cruise control, dvd's picnic in the back true happy campers. That was until 4 hour in the the journey hubby shouts "We're on Fire". Well it wasn't fire but smoke we had over heated the car. I go into emergency mode girls out the car up the embankment away from the wacky races motorway. Car cools down were on our way again we then spot sign saying 1200m above sea level, we then realise that we had not noticed that over the last 5 hours we were going up a very steep hill ( automatic gear box & cruise control)

We then cross the amazing millau viaduct france and realise how high we are.

It's at this point hubby starts moaning that he has driven 10 hours and the outside temperature was less that it was at home. Suddenly huge signs the size of our caravan appeared at the side of the road. Now as far as I am concerned the French are not natural worriers so I was a bit concerned by the huge warning signs for caravan to break with your gears and emergency breaking lanes.

Well it had taken us 5 hours to go up the mountain and we dropped out of it in about 10 miles. The caravan was shunting the car and out ears popped as we descended gripping on for dear life. The temperature gage went up 6 degrees in 5 minutes. We put the windows down and felt the lovely warm Med evening air and it was all worth it. Our girls never moaned once on the journey they really enjoyed the adventure and watching back to back movies.

We had the most amazing family holiday and enjoyed amazing beaches. Can't wait to re run the adventure with my gang again this year with a little experience behind us.

If you are still with me after all that and haven't voted would you mind click here for info

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