Monday 11 April 2011


Well the results are in I didn't make it to the final 3 in the Langtry Manor business awards. The dress my mother sent can go back!!!!

Ahh well can't win em all but I gave it a good go and I am very proud that I made it that far. My business is a lot smaller than the ones that got through so I'll have to work harder next year.

Many many thanks to all those that voted for me.

Now the best result I got this week was my daughter has gone off the lead rein -not on her pony I might add but on an older quieter one. I asked the lady that owned the pony to walk with her as she gets all scaredy pants with me and it worked. I couldn't believe my eyes as I peeked over her daughters pony that I was grooming and seen my big girl riding all by herself. The ladies daughter then joined her and I could see she was beaming with delight at overcoming her fear. That was until the pony started walking the slowest walk possible towards the jump. It was plain to see the old girl had no intention of jumping it but I had to giggle as my daughter's face was a picture as she grabbed the front and back of the saddle!! She tells me she was singing happy days to get her through the stress. In fairness she could have probably sung it all the way through as the pony was walking so slowly towards the jump. Well it all went very well and she has had a go on her younger livelier pony and was really pleased with herself.

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