Friday 8 April 2011

School Holiday...............................

Well that's it we are free of school for a while. I like the holidays as I get fed up of the 3pm school run, it kind off cuts your day in half especially in the summer. I find the traffic so bad in Bournemouth and Poole that after lunch I am too worried to drive anywhere just in case I don't get back in time.

So I am going to enjoy the freedom not that I will go far but I could if I wanted to.

School holidays also means a break from dog training as our classes try to run in line with the school holidays although Easter is so late this year we are only having a week off. I love the last week of training as it is Progress test week. I am always pleased with progress. For some dogs it's being happy/quiet in the room with all the other dogs and for the advanced dogs it's them achieving some thing fang dangled. I love to see the pups go from a blank canvas to taking an interest in their owners regardless of other distractions and concentrating on pleasing/ working out what their owners are asking of them. There is nothing better than seeing those lines of communication opening up as dog and owner start to understand each other. Our new course starts April 18th and we have a kids club for any dog mad children out there. Some children bring their own dogs others borrow ours.

Had to take a bunny to the vet today as it's vaccine ran out whilst she was on her holidays . I am not a huge vet fan, what I mean is they have to prove themselves to me as I have met a few hopeless vets in my time. Well the guy at companion care in Pets at home in Christchurch was great. Really into rabbits and a bundle of knowledge - he was talking about a new vaccine that will last 6 mth for Myxi and a combined myxi and VHD jab, can't be bad. He was supper efficient and printed off a copy of the details for the Small Furry Show on the 16th and put them on the notice board. Great Vet I will have to get his name - he also keeps rabbits himself.

I am hoping to do a bit of intensive riding with my eldest daughter to get her going a bit on her pony. We started when she was 7 and she has far more fear than her kamikaze 4 year old sister which she finds a bit frustrating. Mind you if she listened once in a while and didn't argue Black is white so much we may get further, I think it's a phase that I remember going through myself, although highly frustrating I am glad she has so much self belief at a young age.

Voting closed for the langtry Manor Business awards today so I am excited to hear how I got on. My Mother has already sent me a dress for the final - now is that confidence in your daughter or what?

P.s picture just because I like it and couldn't find the one I wanted

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