Thursday 28 April 2011


Well as one Bank holiday is over another one approaches.

Last weekend I headed off in my new car to the in laws with my two girls. Dad was left at home with the animals.

On the Sunday we went to a dog show where my puppy came fourth in the group. Which means she was against all the other pastoral puppies that had won their classes. It was my first time showing and I really enjoyed the day and was thrilled with the help that was offered to me by all the other dog people.

After a great day I headed off to my friends house in Reading for the night so we could leave for the next show in Newalk. 5am we left all packed two dogs and lunch. I was driving and we were making good time just 45 mins to go when the tyre blew out on my car. Amazingly the only reason I knew there was a problem was because the vibration through my spine was quite painfull. I discussed the bad road surface with my passenger but decided to pull over to investigate. well I opened the passenger door and was nearly sick with the smell of burning rubber, the whole tyre had been ripped of the alloy.

So as it's a big car and to be fair I have never changed a wheel I called the AA. Out comes Mr AA who doesn't want to be working Easter Monday. He informs me I have no locking wheel nut key. "a what" I ask. "I don't know, it's in the boot". Well after dumping most of our belonging on the side of the road it would appear I have bought a car without a vital part.

Fuming I am now told I will need to be towed home!!! Straight on the phone to hubby telling him to get it sorted " single child syndrome "i want it now" was in full force. Bless him he phoned everywhere no where had a tyre to fit our car. So AA man number one drives off. AA man number two turns up, now he took pride in his job assessed the situation and said it was so dangerous we needed the police. ( please now visualise the steam pumping out of my ears) "Oh no were ok I can manage it" he pips up. So after detailed analysis of our dogs and the likely hood of them eating him if he got in the car he decides to put it on the ramp. The dogs were not interested in the AA man they just were a bit bemused by all the fuss so went to sleep!!. so car on lorry dogs now having a better view as we are towed to a garage somewhere that removes the wheel. This takes 20 mins so we are now too late for the show. To ad insult to injury apparently AA man number one could have sorted it. We then have a space saver wheel on that you can only do 40 mph on. Long story short I got home at 5pm, I have never suffered so much road rage and abuse from other drivers because I was doing 40mph, I even had my hazard lights on but they still speeded up the back end of my car, slammed on their breaks and beeped and flashed me. Two men even pulled up along side me to swear at me! a complete bunch of nutters. It was really quite sad that so many people failed to even consider my car may have a fault, if they had taken the time to look they would have seen the tiny wheel on one side.

Anyway that's by the by. I am thrilled that this week my eldest daughter had her first hack ( went out of the field for a ride) she has been buzzing about it ever since.

If you have a dog and are free Mon 2nd we are running a dog show at the Bransgore Funday to raise funds for Jack and Jills pre school. It starts at 1pm on the bransgore playing fields email via for details or view

Thought of the day - Don't leave home without a locking wheel nut thing it can ruin your day!!!

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