Thursday 17 November 2011

Why I work for myself........................

Working for myself means

Time - with my children I attend everything that I need to in the school calendar
Freedom - To ride my horse and walk my dogs when I want – me time
Satisfaction - that I do a great job that I love.

I used to work in an office, every time I went to work I felt more and more trapped in the four walls of the office with target looming over me. I believe all entrepreneurs have something that drives them and mine was freedom. I wanted to do what I wanted when I wanted and I want to feel real satisfaction for the product service I was delivering.I may not turnover millions but I have engineered a lifestyle that I adore with an income to support it.

I don’t stare and wish for a better future like I used too. I work towards everyday being great. Being an entrepreneur means to me that I don’t have to rely on others for an income( job) that maybe taken from me. My goal - when I am and old lady I can look back and think I lived life to the max.

Thinking about breaking free? go on do it you've only got one life.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Life with all the kids in school

Ahhh so much for my daily blog. Where does the time go? Well my little one has blended into school beautifully and is desperate to go each and every morning which I think is all credit to the school. They really do an amazing job both my girls are school mad and all the other children appear to be very keen too.

So what is it like for me having both children in school?

Well it is great after I got over my initial sulk of loosing my baby to school. I took our Indian summer by storm and I was off out riding my horse left right and centre. My house is in more order including the garage that has never been orderly, you can actually walk from front to back.

I am older and wiser second time round (second child) I have realised it's the mums who instigate who goes for tea with who at this early stage. Yes the children have preferences to some more than others but at four and five years old they are not that picky. Already having a nine year old I know they do start to make other friends as the years go by, so these inital frendships may or may not continue but I think by the end of this first year they themselves are really getting a good idea for who their close friend are.

I find there are the fresh new mums who are experiencing this for the first time and then the 2nd,3rd,4th even 5th time mums who are really old hands at this. Wow imagine having all that experience.

Anyway new friendships will form for Ellie and I as we will now be on a journey with this school year right up till they are eleven years old. Funny how school holds groups of people together for such a long time.

Last week end one of the mums and I held a joint 5th party for our daughters. We hired the village hall put up two bouncy castles ( Princess and Pirate) and help a Princess and Pirate party. I did face painting whilst the other mum sorted out the food. we made a great team, the whole school year was invited and it was a lovely opportunity for the children to have a great party and the mums to have a good chat.

I have spent the last week organising vouchers for and I think the are great practical gift ideas for people with pets take a look vouchers start from £6. We have already sold some and people have been thrilled as we have personalised them with pictures of the persons pets. So if your friend or family member has a :

Guinea Pig
African land snail
gerbils etc we will have a voucher to suit them

Hope you have a good week and I hope to be back sooner

Monday 19 September 2011

The Brownie is back

Well we arrived a little early to pick daughter number 1 from Brownie camp. We speculated on the way over what reception we would get this time. As we pulled into the field we were greeted by a wave and a smile - good sign. We hung back as we were early and didn't want to provoke the same reaction as Saturday, you know the your embarrassing me look ( when do you go from being the one embarrassed to the one doing the embarrassing?). The Brownies had to get together for one last pow wow whilst we were guided to pick up their belongings.

Well all I can say is hats off to the Brownie leaders, the arts and crafts and actives they had crammed into two days was amazing. We were fully laden with "stuff" and we still needed find the bags and sleeping bags. No surprise it was all organised and waiting for us.

As the Brownies came back across the field I excitedly asked my daughter "how was it?" Reply "fine" Well they say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree and I have been repeatedly reminded by my mother that I also wasn't one for giving much away when coming home from school etc. So I can't be doing with this as I can tell she has had an amazing time. so I say " best not go again next year if it's rubbish". "Oh no " she says "it was great". That was it until we got in the car where I had her contained for 20 mins so I could question her. The result she had had a great time, meeting snakes, cockroaches ( apparently one brownie nearly stood on the boy one!!)visiting the tuck shop and having hot chocolate every night.

She did make it very clear in her own way that she had given it her all and there was nothing left of her but to have a bath and go to bed. Her sister on the other hand wanted to touch and feel everything she had - you can imagine the result.

Now having been a mother for nearly nine years and studied behaviour I anticipated a little fluctuation in mood shall we say. So I felt the best way to deal with this was to pre- arrange some mummy time out on my horse and leave the girls to Daddy;)

So all in all I would 150% recommend brownie camp. I am so pleased my little girl got to have the wonderful experience of being away with all her friends. Roll on next year.

Big day for me tomorrow I am off to the Pet Care Trust awards as I am a finalist in the boarding category of their awards. To get this far is amazing but if I win it I win be on cloud 9

Saturday 17 September 2011


So as I mentioned yesterday I forgot my daughters coat for Brownie camp. So as was woken by the rain I felt guilty as I rolled over and hit the "snooze" button. Once I had got up the rain had stopped so I put the rabbits and ducks out to play ( too damp for piggies). Then we made our way over to the camp. We strolled accross the field and as my gorgeous daughter caught sight of Me, her Dad (who had been dragged there after 4 hours sleep) and her younger sisters (who was prematurely dressed for Halloween)the look of horror on her face was amazing. It then suddenly turned into Teenager your cramping my style mode. Honestly you have never seen a child roll their eyes like she did. So I waved the coat like some sort of peace flag, nope she was now looking at us like we were strange weirdos trying to steal her. Thank goodness it's a community event and all the leaders knew us. So I went over delivered the coat and wash bag with tooth paste and a chocolate bar, it was then passed to my daughter who refused to acknowledge us as her next of kin. I fell into line for once and tried to leave without causing anymore embarrassment however one of the leaders wanted to talk dog training with me and as we have already fixed one of the other leaders dogs we had a bit of chatting to do. Any way we left as the reptiles were arriving and took the dogs for a lovely walk. I then returned home to the most amazing customer review which I would like to share.

Furry hotel review

If you are pondering over whether Madeleine and the small furry hotel is the
best place for your pets holiday then please read on...
I met Madeleine just under a year ago after we had adopted two rescue guinea
pigs on a spur of the moment decision. Shortly after adopting we realised that
due to the nature of our jobs we needed someone reliable to look after the
cavies when we were working overseas etc. At the time we had no idea that such a
facility existed and after some research we found a couple of carers of small
furries, I went to visit the first as it was my closest and was completely put
off the whole idea due to cramped living conditions, piggy & rabbit runs on the
lawn with 3 dogs running around scaring all the animals etc. I was therefore a
little wary about the idea but decided to take the 50min drive over to the small
furry hotel to investigate- what I came across was the complete opposite of the
last place I had seen. Tranquil, rural, spacious, clean, green and friendly. On
first impressions your only thoughts are Madeleine must be bonkers to have the
bravery to look after all these animals, but within 10mins you realise she and
her family are committed, animal loving people who are the perfect people to
look after your pet.
Our piggys - rhino & Darwin have been staying with madeleine at the furry hotel
for roughly 7 days out of every 30 for the last 12months due to the nature of
our jobs; she gives us the ability to be able to keep our pigs without either
neglecting them by leaving them under the neighbours part time care whilst we're
away or by having to make the choice not to have pets at all.
Going beyond this, as we have two male pigs they started to scrap about 4 months
ago, the fights got worse and we ended up with a bit of a blood bath one
evening, not knowing how to deal with the situation I have to admit I text
Madeleine to ask her advice, within minutes she had called me back offering
advice, calming us down and giving us the contact details of an excellent vet.
All I can say is that goes beyond anything I could ever have expected. But it
doesn't stop there! A decision was made to castrate our piggies to reduce their
testosterone levels with the hope that it would stop any future fights (it has)
- unfortunately their were complications with Darwin and he struggled with
swelling and had to undergo a second very challenging operation to relieve the
issues, whilst going through the procedure they also found that he had kidney
stones (fairly common in boars). All of these decisions/choices and vet visits
occurred in the run up to some big and frequent work trips that we just couldn't
change. The pigs were already booked in to stay at the furry hotel during these
periods prior to any operations so a call was put in to madeleine to ask her to
take care of our special boys during this traumatic period for them.. Not only
did she say yes, but she kept them inside in the warm whilst they recovered,
gave Darwin his medication twice a day, syringe fed the poor little chap every
2-3hours as he was unable to eat for himself and to avoid the possible killer
during these periods of gut-stasis, she weighed him as per our request on each
feeding to make sure he was keeping his weight up.. Darwin would not have made it as far as he did without the love,
care and commitment of the newly named 'Aunty Madeleine'.
Sadly a few weeks later when we thought Darwin had nearly recovered a new swelling appeared so we took him to a specialist in Andover
and he had to undergo another huge operation to repair a herniated bladder, sadly he did not come through this operation and
being left heart-broken and with a pining and lonely Guinea pig we were lost as to what to do. Madeleine put us in touch immediately with
Waggy Tails rescue who had a few guinea pigs waiting for adoption, she spoke to them on our behalf convinced them that we
are good piggy parents and we bought home a pair of girls yesterday.. now the bonding process is just begining and fingers
crossed it will work out and poor Rhino will have some new companions, in the meantime whilst the bonding process is underway he has the company (through wire mesh) to
keep him active and not so lonely.
Without Madeleines suport and commitment to all things furry we truly wouldn't have been able to give the care and love to our
piggys that we have done and do. I wouldn't trust anyone else to not only take great care of them but to consistently go beyond the call of duty to help them (and us!).
If you are pondering as to whether or not this is the right place for your pet, then i hope that this review has stopped any doubts you may
have had.
RIP Darwin our beloved Piggy 14/9/11


Friday 16 September 2011

The big week

Well it came and passed.........

The first week of school for my baby.

It has been full of up's and down a real roller coaster of emotions for me. My baby was superb Sunday night was like Christmas eve. The uniform was laid out and re laid out several times. Then at 6.30am I hear "Mum, Mummy can I get dresses now". We managed to keep her contained until school opened. She was a bit like one of those horses at the races waiting for the gates to open. Well Big school door was opened and she was straight in no messing. I was left to get tearful in the car park, I managed to hold it together but it was more the bulging red eye thing.

Well she has flown through the week, tiredness has been a little issue. Bless her she has started full time straight away which appears to have worked well. However I did remember her sister was tired right up until half term so we haven't arranged any after school activities, which seems to have helped.

So that's it as I enter a new era of my life being a Mum to school Children and not pre schoolers or babies I will look back fondly at the wonderful times I had with my babies and look forward to the next stage of their lives.

Which has already started with Brownie camp for the eldest one tonight. I have dropped her off and left her with about 40 very excited girls. Her excitement has developed into cheekiness's at times over the week as she has developed the well I old enough to go away for the weekend and therefore I could probably leave home too as at the grand old age of 8 I know it all attitude!!!!!"

So I am going to enjoy a weekend with just me and my baby while the elder one is at large with nature. Mind you we have to pop over tomorrow with her coat!!! You know how we strive to be a good mum? Well I ironed everything today including neckachife things, wrote her a little note etc but forgot a coat!! So I approached Brown Owl like a moody teenager and said "right! I have tried to do the good Mum thing I have even ironed her knicker however I have forgot her a coat!! "Never mind" she says "you can drop one over tomorrow" Thing is I would have like to have just once got the whole thing right and been the classic organised Mum........Perhaps she doesn't exist?!!!

Thursday 25 August 2011

The Big Uniform Day

Today was the big uniform day!! First day of big school is now getting really close my older daughter is all kitted out but we are still to find shoes to fit my youngest.

This year my husband and i have decided to go the easy route and buy three times the amount of uniform we would usually buy including 15 pairs of socks each. The hope is that this will make the morning less stressful. as even though we do not have a large house my daughter still manage to loose most of their socks etc.

Our other make life easier decision is to opt for school dinners as the whole lunch box thing is a pain. As my eldest has slowly decided she doesn't like and sandwich filling what so ever. So at the end of last term i was sick of throwing away lot of good food and woring she wasn't getting a balanced diet. so school dinners should alleviate that stress from my life. I am all for making the new school term as stress free as possible so I can enjoy all the good bits.

Saturday 20 August 2011

Day Out

I was really pleased with a piece I wrote the other night and for some reason it never appeared even though it automaticaly saved and I manually saved it. Anyway just poping by to tell you we are running a Fun Dog show on Bank Holiday Monday 12pm -3pm. There are plenty of places available for stalls at £10 per table or free to charities. Full details at Would be lovely to meet some of you and your dogs. All profits to Southern Counties German Shepherd rescue

Thursday 18 August 2011

Why do we we keep animals?

Thursday 11 August 2011

The Big Summer Holiday

Sorry for the big delay in posting.

We have been away on our summer holiday to the South of France. It was brilliant!!! A real goood adventure traveling by ferry and car 650 miles all the way down to the coast. We had all the mod cons to make the trip run smoothly sat nav, DS, DVD player. The girls travelled really well just as they did last year, in fact I think the loved the adventure as much as we did.

The pool was great and the beaches were amazing it was great to be away from home. I love my Small Furry Hotel but it is there 7 day a week 365 days a year. To keep myself fresh I do need to actually go away as you can never have a day off and be in the house.

It was lovely to come home refreshed and re charged to take on the busy summer. Busy is an understatement we are fully booked right throught until the middle of September which is amazing, but boy am I happy I spent two weeks doing nothing before hand. I do think business owners especially ones that works from home could quiet easily miss out on well need breaks. I am so pleased I have realised the benefits and take holidays as I do think otherwise I would get stale in my approach to the business. On the ferry home my head was buzzing about the future of Small Furry Hotel and K9tac.

Mind you my day dreaming was interuped my my youngest thorwing up just as the ferry ramp was coming down. All the cleaners were coming on to the ferry and I was trying to wrestle a bucket out of some lads hand as I could see not taking the leather option on the car seats was going to become an issue. Then I had to give a French impatiant lorry drive the "mother look of Death" you know the one when a mum is looking after her baby and some one gets in their way. My husband was flapping but I was underterred I was going to take 3 minutes to settle my little girl after she had vomited up the disgusting ferry food. They were queing at passport control anyway!! Regardless of the fact my caravan was blocking 20 lorries!!!!! and the driver were getting quiet animated. I calmly steped from the can an did my best actions to explain "My baby is throwing up everywhere" "She is Crying" " We're not moving until were sorted" The ferry guy winked and said no problem I didn't wait for a reaction from the lorry drivers. Honestly people lack of paients and care for those around then grates me some times.

Well we bought the first part of my youngest school uniform today as school is approaching fast. Once the girls are back in school I do intend to make my blog more regular. well I hope you are enjoying the summer holidays. we do still have some bouncy castles free mid week if you need something to occupy the children and their friend 15 % off a hire in Aug if you mention my blog when booking

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Puppy Party

Last Thurday was a year to the day that our dog Edie had given birth to her litter of Bearded Collie puppies. So a 1st Birthday Party was needed.

Four puppies and their mother attended, we all met at the three tuns in Bransgore for drinks and dinner. The dogs had a special birthday cake ( salmon and cheese) edged with bone shaped biscuits. We then took the pups and mum for a walk they had a wonderful time charging round and splashing in the water. It was lovely for everyone to meet each other on their dogs relatives and compare notes.

I sat and watched them play and was so very very proud that I had brought them into the world nurtured them with their mother. Selected lovely homes for them, which did involve upsetting some people as they were just not suitable. I then sat back and enjoyed watching them demonstrate how they had grown up in to happy healthy dogs who gave a lot of pleasure to their owners.

All thoses that attended want to meet up again which we will do next year. As I feel it is my resposibility as a breeder to be there in the backgroud so I am always approachable.

All puppies were sold with the agreement that I would at least get a Christmas card each year with an update and that if ever they couldn't keep the dog we would have them back. This is quiet the norm in our breed and I have been taught well from some older breeders. It's just a shame more people buying puppies are not aware of the differances of a bad breeder and a good breeder.

It's not good enough to just see the mother.

Friday 1 July 2011

Exciting News

After my emotional out bust the other night and my want to put the breaks on I am know looking forward to September. WHY you ask?

Small Furry Hotel has made it to the final of the Pet Care Trust to say......

We are a finalist in the Boarding Establishment of the year. I am so thrilled and proud all rolled into one.

In September I have to attend an award ceremony in Birmingham apparently it is like the Oscar's for the Pet care industry. I am soooooo excited.

Wednesday 29 June 2011

The Big Induction


Just home from the school induction for my youngest daughter. It was wonderful I already knew it was a good school but from the PTA doing drinks and nibbles through to the teaching staff and dinner ladies it was all perfect.

So why am I sulking?

My baby is leaving, I could have cried through the day in a life of the foundation children. What a contrasts from my feelings with my first child going to school. I was thrilled and excited for her, but now 5 years on I am devastated about loosing my baby. Maybe because it's an end of an era or is it because it felt like only yesterday my eldest started school.

I desperately want to put the brake on life I have loved my time with my girls as babies but every day it is obvious my baby is growing up and my big girl is getting bigger.

I feel the same emotions I felt leaving my eldest to go back to work. I hated that feeling so much I started my own business

I have worked so hard at my businesses to make sure I wouldn't have to go in to full time work when they both went to school. I am glad I have achieved that goal as it's important to me to be at the school for drop off and pick up and i knew full time work wouldn't allow that.

So with tears ( and that is so not me) rolling down my face I will raise a toast to the Small Furry Hotel and all those that have stayed here for being my 3rd baby that has given me the opportunity to have a flexible work life balance and keep me busy when my girls are not at home.

Picture is the week we started My little girl has gone from baby on my hip to professional bottle washer and filler

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Brownie Camp

In less than 4 weeks my little girl will leave nursery it will be a really sad day for me and that part of our life comes to an end. My youngest being an October baby is really ready to start school and can't wait to get her uniform and be skipping up the road to school with her big sister.

Unlike her sister she will start full time straight away. This year we were given an option of when they could start full time. My eledest daughter was very upset that her group couldn't stay for lunch like the older group. So I discussed it with the girls and we have opted for full time straight away.

I found with my eldest daughter it took her a while to not come out of school exhausted. Back them we did lots of clubs, which I think looking back was too much. So this time we will hold off with clubs till the January.

My Eldest daughter who is 8 is off on her first Brownie Pack holiday later in the year. It goes wthout saying she is very excited. I really enjoyed Brownine camp as a child even if it was a little like Borstal back in the 80's. My three memories were

1. I picked up a Marmite sandwich instead of a chocolate sandwich. Another Brownie told me Marmite tasted of Ear Wax which put me off a little. I was then told I would have nothing else till I ate it.

2. We were bored one night doing arts and crafts. One Brownie stapled her finger and then several other Brownies had a go.

3. I also remember "The Jobs" I can not stand drying dishes and so I developed a phobia which I manged to sell to the other Brownies and Brown Owl which ment I got to wash the dishes - job done out to play and leave the other poor Brownie to dry endless dishes. Mind you I was taught how to wash dishes properly at the Brownies.

Funny the way the world has changed I had to sign to say I was happy for the leader to use plasters bandages etc and I had to sign to say I was happy if they cuddled my child if she needed it.

Anyway the girls will have a marvelous time with all her friends as Brownies is a Great Organisation for Girls

Monday 13 June 2011

Jobs for Toddlers

Lots of my customers seem to be starting families so I thought I would share some of my experiences of having babies/ young children with pets. In this post I will mostly discuss small animals.

Our babies were born into a home full of animals. However for the first few weeks of my babies lives I had all my animal looked after by others so I could get to grips with the baby without worrying that the animals would suffer. Within four weeks I had my brood back together, pets had had a nice holiday I had had time with the baby.

For the first few months nothing much changes but then the toddler emerges and is desperate to try everything.

At this point you have three options
1. re home pet ( which I don't particularly agree with unless the situation is desperate)

2. Try to keep the Toddler away as much as possible from the pet.

3. Start to slowly introduce toddler to pet and enjoy your pet together ( my preference)

If a parent likes pets usually the child will. If the parent doesn't like or is scared of pets then the child will be the same.

My advice is involve your toddler in the care of your pet ( under your supervision at all times). Everything will take longer but if you relax and start to involve the toddler you will all start to enjoy the experience.

My girls first started their career in animal care by filling the food bowl, they can do this from a very young age. Eventually I direct them to to feed "top draw orange bag etc". So by the time they are pre schoolers they knew their colors and felt quite important.

The next job is filling the water bottle. It will get filled infill, splashed about but who cares kids love water. My girls started filling bottles from a bucket, then they learnt how to use a tap. Now at 4 and a half my youngest can un screw a bottle fill it and put it back together and put the bottle on the hutch and run. She will also tell you the water will be yucky if left too long so we must do it every day.

My girls also love the dust pan an brush. They start very young using them as drum sticks. We then have hours of sweeping bedding over the pan and throwing it over the bin bag! But by 4 years old my girls are seasoned sweepers!!!

When they are ready they start to help me change the bedding. It is lovely to see them trying to arrange the clean bedding. Once they have finished all their jobs we give the pet a stroke. The girls are then very proud of the jobs they have done and slowly I am teaching them how to enjoy caring for their pets.

I always instill in my children we always wash our hands after caring for the pets and they must never deal with their pet alone.

I use caring for the pet as an activity, therefore I can never understand why people don't have time for their pets when they have a baby. Life for everyone changes when a baby comes, change is not always bad it's how you deal with it.

Hope you enjoyed this post

Sunday 12 June 2011


Well I gave an hour of my life to my last post and lost it. How that happens with automatic save I do not know. Well my last "lost" post was all about my trip to Warminster in my caravan. We had a lovely time and remembered why we had it. We were only 20 minutes up the road but it felt like we were on holiday. The girls had a great time riding their bikes round and round. By the end of the weekend they were taking on the big hill. I asked them not to do it as they would fall off and hurt themselves. My 4 year old told me it would be ok and she would look after herself. Ten minutes later WAAAAAAAAHHHHH yep she has come off her bike. Daddy is feeling terrible at this stage I am not. My view is I told her she would hurt herself she didn't listen and she did!! Hopefully she will learn enough of these lessons so when she is older and I tell her she will hurt herself riding a motorbike at 100mph etc she might listen. I comforted her and we discussed the safety issues of taking your Dora bike with stabiliser full pelt and still peddling down a rather steep hill. We agreed that she could use her grazes for show and tell lol as she was now very proud of her war wounds!!

My favorite part of the weekend was when my youngest daughter said to my eldest daughter. " Have you finished with that boy yet as I want a go with him" they were referring to a 5 year old boy who was pretty speedy on his bike.

My youngest only has a few Weeks left in nursery and she is already taking about leaving her friends, it's all very sad and emotional. On a brighter note the nursery is having a Pirates and Princess party and we have donated a free hire of our Pirate and Princess castle.

A few weeks after that and we will be heading south in our caravan for our two week summer break in the South of France.

I have a mound of preparation to sort out before we go, leaving my brood behind takes a lot planning.

Enjoy your wet Sunday all our guest at the Small Furry Hotel are enjoying a day in as it is so wet. here is a video from yesterday. The little pig in the background is really pleased to see his friend Click here move the cursor to 1 min 20 sec. The piggy starts doing bunny hops with excitement. He even does them in the house

Thursday 9 June 2011

The importance of getting away

Sunday 29 May 2011

We have Growth

Well I can't believe it!!!! My runner beans are growing. I was very shocked as I put the canes in next to them and was amazed that literally over night they grabbed hold of the canes and started wrapping themselves around them.

The lettuce, rocket and tomatoes are also doing well. Not sure about the carrots and onions as they are all underground and not allot is happening above ground.

My eldest daughter has now gone from nervous rider to bragging about the number of falls she has had and jumping bare back!! Well we all want for our children what we didn't have and I wanted a little pony in my garden from as far back as I can remember. I didn't get my first horse until I was a teenager but really missed out on those early years as both my parents were city folk. I am loving watching a bond form with the pony and my daughter, the little pony even trots down to meet her and they both scratch each other and they mutually enjoy the plaiting sessions.

It all sounds idyllic doesn't it? Well you will be surprised when I was asked the other day by a mum my thoughts about getting a pony and my answer " don't do it". My reason, me the mum wants and likes horses so when daughter is off doing other things I am left to poo pick and exercises pony. The winter was a very lonely time for me and the horses as it was mostly me doing the feeds etc.

I do it because I love the horses and the outdoor life with my dogs running round me. I tried in my early 20's to be an Urban chick in a white flat with white walls but I was bored to the point of depressed. Mind you days do pass especially in winter and I wish I had my horse money to spend on myself. But I know shopping and coffee wouldn't be enough for me, were all different and the outdoor life is for me.

So unless the parents are into riding and the daily routine of horses I feel it would be too much of a lifestyle change. My other reason is kids grow out of horses like bikes and unless you are like a lady I once knew ( she had a barn full of stables and the first one had the daughters first pony in and the ponies got gradually bigger as you went round the barn) Then you will need to sell one and buy another or get two!!!

There are lots of people out there that want children to ride their ponies which I think is a much better option as the non horsey parents can dip in and out when they want. To be fair the above applies to all pets if the parent doesn't want the pet don't get it as children rarely look after them day in day out or long term.

Well I am hoping at some point to get away in our caravan during half term as we need to get it off the drive and test bits out before we tug it 2000 miles to the south of France. I'm sure we will clear any campsite with our 5 dogs and two girls!!!

We will be selling our lovely caravan when we get home as we just don't get the opportunities to get away in it as we used to and the UK weather is pants. I want two hot holidays a year and plenty of time to relax. So we will be going back to cruising next year as the girls love it and are getting a bit older so need more entertainment on holiday which a cruise offers for all of us. Have a great half term
If it is not for you

Friday 20 May 2011

Radio stations, chickens, self sufficiency

I met my gorgeous husband when he was just 23 and I was 18, I'm looking forward to being in my 80's and saying I've been with him 60 years in a squeaky old persons voice. Anyway back then he was a Radio 1 man we even went to Ibiza to see his favorite DJ. Two children later and a decade of fun we are both wided round the waste and sprouting a few grey hairs. I have come to terms with these things, however there has been another change lurking.... He keeps coming up with quotes... you don't get them on Radio 1 much. Especially ones re feeding the lawn etc!! After lots of info on self sufficiency, chickens , food prices trebling etc etc I ask. Where is this all coming from? I know it's not from the Tv 3 in a bed and hotel inspector as they haven't touched on such subjects. Then he tells me he listens to Radio 4 on the way home.... What happen to radio 2 don't you go on to that first? How did he jump to 4 so quickly?

Anyway after a cup of tea and a few biscuits ( can't deal with waist reduction and radio 4 in one day) I start to find his chat quite interesting. Two hours later we have grand plans for a veg patch and chicken coop.

Then we find ourselves in Otter nursery loading up on veg and compost. Back home and the big plant took place Runner beans, Rocket , Tomatoes and loads of Carrots. I'm hoping my carrots will go wild next to the animal runs and the residents can enjoy a cheeky nibble.

We then run out of compost, hubby informs me we have a composter. Never taken much notice. But we have and sure enough there is compost in the bottom, we feel like real gardeners now.

So the virgo in me make me read the labels ad copy exactly what they say, so if it says sow 10 inch apart I do. But No, hold on Radio 4 says you don't have too apparently you can be too fussy with these things and you should just get on with it. So we did, threw them all in pots gave them a good water and just waiting for something to eat.

The chickens will need a run built and an area made for them in the front garden I will update you on that next time. So if you use the small furry hotel we may have eggs for sale next time you come.

Sunday 8 May 2011

Catch up on the Week - Embarresing Mum in Business moment

Well doesn't time fly when your working and have children. I haven't blogged since the Royal wedding and that feels like ages ago. Well since then we took our car to a specialist to be serviced. Car costs in this house are never ending my husband does so many miles we seem to live at the garage!! On a good note we had the day out in Yeovil and we did a bit of shopping and had a lovely lunch in Mulberry's Restaurant Which I highly recommend especially with a little ones at lunch time. Their children's menu was really nice at good prices. My daughter had the same standard of food and presentation as us but at a reduced cost. Marc and I shared a selection of small chocolate deserts mmm.

Not much time for riding this week, but my older mare who was ill a Christmas is gaining weight and becoming very sprightly.

Yesterday our company Party Bounce was thrilled to give Netley Marsh PTA one of our larger Bouncy Castles to help raise funds for their school. Bouncy Castles are a great way to raise some funds for schools and charities and we are always happy to try and help out where we can.

You can tell a mummy runs Party Bounce as I turn up with my daughters all dressed nicely ( pre arranged clothes that have passed my checks, not Dad's) and been told to behave themselves. I'm very organised with our T&C's, insurance documents and an able man to erect castle. Daughters whipping up the crowd into a desperate to bounce frenzy as children gather to watch the castle going up. All going very smoothly until my eldest whispers "Mum she's on the castle and hasn't got any knickers on!!!!". That's right youngest bouncing her little heart of shirt flapping in the wind with no knickers!!The shock the horror how did I miss that!!!! Ahh well I bundle her in the car and pop home for knickers before the next castle goes out.

Will remember to add "check for knickers" to my list when getting my paper work together!!!

The Small Furry Hotel is quiet busy this week we have two rabbits in for bonding which appears to be going well pop over to facebook to see our videos over the next two weeks as we watch Toby a single rabbit become Hus Bun to a little girl from Waggy tails rescue

Next Saturday at K9 Tac we are doing a pulling master class for £15 (limited spaces). this is a two hour session and a must for anyone who's dog pulls. The class could save you a fortune on pulling products such as harnesses etc. Click here for details or email us via .

Friday 29 April 2011

The Royal Wedding

Well it's all over. My best bit, the bride and groom leaving in that little convertible. I must say the maid of honour ( Kate's Sister) might of out did her for a few moments as she carried her dress!! Anyway we had a nice relaxing day here, there was a party at the end of the road that looked good fun but I wanted to hang round the house and go shopping. Also I get on with most my neighbours but not the one that chased me up the road 4 years ago and accused me of allowing my dogs to poo outside her house. Apparently there was a "steaming poo" by her house. My darling husband produced several poo bags of evidence that we had picked ours up and informed her that poo doesn't steam on a summers afternoon when it is 25 degrees. So not keen to drink pims with her... The other neighbour to avoid is the one who blames me for every car in the village when actually they all belong to the people that live down the private road. Not bad only fallen out with two neighbours in ten years but not willing to do pims on the green with them. Also my husbands jobs means he works every bank holiday. Infact he has worked every bank holiday for the last 15 year. It's part of his contract not that he is avoiding me!!! So I am a bit or a Bar humbug when it comes to Bank holidays. We have our holidays when everyone else is in work. Well I hope you all have a lovely weekend and hope to see some of you at the dog show on Monday on the Bransgore playing fields. Enjoy my little video of Deedee doing her royal wedding wave!/video/video.php?v=10150164806783251&oid=201584325143&comments

Thursday 28 April 2011


Well as one Bank holiday is over another one approaches.

Last weekend I headed off in my new car to the in laws with my two girls. Dad was left at home with the animals.

On the Sunday we went to a dog show where my puppy came fourth in the group. Which means she was against all the other pastoral puppies that had won their classes. It was my first time showing and I really enjoyed the day and was thrilled with the help that was offered to me by all the other dog people.

After a great day I headed off to my friends house in Reading for the night so we could leave for the next show in Newalk. 5am we left all packed two dogs and lunch. I was driving and we were making good time just 45 mins to go when the tyre blew out on my car. Amazingly the only reason I knew there was a problem was because the vibration through my spine was quite painfull. I discussed the bad road surface with my passenger but decided to pull over to investigate. well I opened the passenger door and was nearly sick with the smell of burning rubber, the whole tyre had been ripped of the alloy.

So as it's a big car and to be fair I have never changed a wheel I called the AA. Out comes Mr AA who doesn't want to be working Easter Monday. He informs me I have no locking wheel nut key. "a what" I ask. "I don't know, it's in the boot". Well after dumping most of our belonging on the side of the road it would appear I have bought a car without a vital part.

Fuming I am now told I will need to be towed home!!! Straight on the phone to hubby telling him to get it sorted " single child syndrome "i want it now" was in full force. Bless him he phoned everywhere no where had a tyre to fit our car. So AA man number one drives off. AA man number two turns up, now he took pride in his job assessed the situation and said it was so dangerous we needed the police. ( please now visualise the steam pumping out of my ears) "Oh no were ok I can manage it" he pips up. So after detailed analysis of our dogs and the likely hood of them eating him if he got in the car he decides to put it on the ramp. The dogs were not interested in the AA man they just were a bit bemused by all the fuss so went to sleep!!. so car on lorry dogs now having a better view as we are towed to a garage somewhere that removes the wheel. This takes 20 mins so we are now too late for the show. To ad insult to injury apparently AA man number one could have sorted it. We then have a space saver wheel on that you can only do 40 mph on. Long story short I got home at 5pm, I have never suffered so much road rage and abuse from other drivers because I was doing 40mph, I even had my hazard lights on but they still speeded up the back end of my car, slammed on their breaks and beeped and flashed me. Two men even pulled up along side me to swear at me! a complete bunch of nutters. It was really quite sad that so many people failed to even consider my car may have a fault, if they had taken the time to look they would have seen the tiny wheel on one side.

Anyway that's by the by. I am thrilled that this week my eldest daughter had her first hack ( went out of the field for a ride) she has been buzzing about it ever since.

If you have a dog and are free Mon 2nd we are running a dog show at the Bransgore Funday to raise funds for Jack and Jills pre school. It starts at 1pm on the bransgore playing fields email via for details or view

Thought of the day - Don't leave home without a locking wheel nut thing it can ruin your day!!!

Friday 22 April 2011


Well I have managed to suffer with both sorts over the holidays. My computer gave up last week and had to go to the shop and I was told we had 500 viruses. Since then I appear to have caught one of the viruses and I have been feeling pretty grotty. I am on the mend but feel tired more than usual and have had some sinus pain. I have tried a few things to make it better and a trip to the beach has helped no end. I got to catch up with a friend and the children had a ball.

We are so lucky to have such lovely beaches just a mile or so away, the girls have had a great time in the sea.

The Small Furry Hotel was busy last week but it is a lot quieter this weekend. Last Saturday we raised £200 for waggy Tails rescue at the small furry show. It was lovely to see adults and children alike taking pride in their pets.

Our next show is a Dog show May 2nd for the Bransgore Funday.

We have also had all our bouncy castles up including our adult size castle, as we have a few hires coming up over the next few weeks. I even had a little bounce on it myself. I can see why children get worn out on them - great fun.

Well the holidays started off with a bit of tension between me an my eldest. Not sure if it was excitement of the holidays or tiredness from late nights. But as we are nearing the end of the holidays I will miss them both when they return to school.

Monday 11 April 2011


Well the results are in I didn't make it to the final 3 in the Langtry Manor business awards. The dress my mother sent can go back!!!!

Ahh well can't win em all but I gave it a good go and I am very proud that I made it that far. My business is a lot smaller than the ones that got through so I'll have to work harder next year.

Many many thanks to all those that voted for me.

Now the best result I got this week was my daughter has gone off the lead rein -not on her pony I might add but on an older quieter one. I asked the lady that owned the pony to walk with her as she gets all scaredy pants with me and it worked. I couldn't believe my eyes as I peeked over her daughters pony that I was grooming and seen my big girl riding all by herself. The ladies daughter then joined her and I could see she was beaming with delight at overcoming her fear. That was until the pony started walking the slowest walk possible towards the jump. It was plain to see the old girl had no intention of jumping it but I had to giggle as my daughter's face was a picture as she grabbed the front and back of the saddle!! She tells me she was singing happy days to get her through the stress. In fairness she could have probably sung it all the way through as the pony was walking so slowly towards the jump. Well it all went very well and she has had a go on her younger livelier pony and was really pleased with herself.